TECH Center Services
Technology for learning and communicating
About the TECH Center:TASK’s TECH Center is a place where children with disabilities and their parents; adults with disabilities; and professionals can learn about assistive technology (AT) through online demonstration of specialized applications, extensions, educational websites, and adaptive equipment.
AT describes any item, piece of equipment, or product system that increases, maintains, or improves a person’s functional capabilities. AT is valuable because it can diminish or eliminate barriers to education and independence. It ranges from “low-tech” devices like pencil grips for people with fine motor difficulties to “high tech” devices like head-controlled peripherals, which allow people who cannot control their arms or legs to use a computer.
For more information about assistive technology, join TECH Tidbits, the monthly email newsletter from the TASK TECH Center!
Project: Communicate!
Project: Communicate! provides communication options for persons with language impairments through hands-on access, assessments, training, support and recommendations.
Project Communicate! Services
FREE one-hour AAC consultation with our Speech Language Pathologist, which can include one of the following:
- Language consult
- AAC report review
- Clinic: review different AAC systems
- Device training for individuals or communication teams
Please note: this is NOT an AAC assessment.
For more information about Project: Communicate! and AAC resources, call TASK Orange County at (714) 533-8275 or email Elizabeth Ortega at with “Project Communicate” in the subject line.
HOURS: by appointment only
BERNADETTE KENNARD, TRIVINITY CONSULTING For Project Communicate!, TASK has contracted with Bernadette Kennard at Trivinity Consulting. Bernadette earned her MA from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. She is certified by the American Speech-Hearing Association and licensed by the state of California as a Speech-Language Pathologist. She has specialized in developing augmentative and alternative communication systems for individuals with special needs for more than 20 years, working closely with families and educational entities to help clients reach their maximum level of communication competence. In 2011, Bernadette created Trivinity Consulting, a company providing customized AAC assessments, therapeutic intervention for AAC users and training for them, their families, and professionals to develop quality support systems.
Let’s Talk AAC
Let’s Talk AAC is a new series of webinars open to parents, professionals, caregivers, and anyone else who would like to attend. We believe that collaboration between all parties – child or adult consumers, the professionals that support them, and their parents or caregivers – is crucial to achieve the best communication outcome for each individual. There is a menu of 4 trainings:
Let’s Talk AAC: An Introduction will introduce low, mid and high tech AAC devices and varied options. Participants will leave with a thorough understanding of what AAC is, where to obtain it, and who may beneβit. We will provide handouts that include a list of AAC resources.
AAC: Parents and Professionals Working Together will present ideas, practical examples, tips and pointers for implementing AAC across multiple settings. We will emphasize the importance of collaboration in order to best help each AAC user by working together for the common goal of individualized, person-centered AAC.
AAC for Transition-Age Youth and Adults will focus on AAC use, resources, and implementation ideas for teenagers and adults.
AAC: Ask the Experts is the final workshop in the series and will combine live and pre-programmed frequently asked questions answered by adult AAC users, our contracted Speech-Language Pathologist, and TASK assistive technology staff. Join us for an eye-opening event!
Please check TASK’s calendar for registration information or email with questions.
Funding for this program is provided by Ability Central.
TECH Connection
TECH Connection helps transition-aged youth and young adults (ages 14 and up) with disabilities better prepare themselves for the transition from school to work, college, and/or independent living. TECH Connection is an after-school group designed for students and their parents or guardians to work together on life skills, job skills and social skills that are applicable to post-high school living. Call or email for more information or download the TECH Connection flyer.
COST: $50 suggested donation to join program. To register, call (714) 533-8275.
HOURS Third Wednesdays; 4:00 to 5:00 p.m
POLICIES: Parents or guardians must attend all sessions. Pre-registration is REQUIRED.
Individualized Lab Appointments
The purpose of an individualized lab is to explore AT solutions that can support learning and promote independence for a person with a disability. During a one-hour appointment, a TASK staff member will demonstrate apps, websites, Chrome extensions and other technology that may be useful for that client.
PLEASE NOTE: These are not formal AT assessments.
LOCATION Online via Zoom
HOURS Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
LOCATIONS TASK’s AT workshop and presentations are offered throughout the year in the counties we serve. They are offered at TASK locations and in communities in partnership with local agencies or nonprofits. To request a TASK workshop or presentation for your group or agency, call the TASK office nearest you.
COST TASK workshops are free of charge. Registration is required. Register on the TASK website.
POLICIES TASK workshops and presentations are intended for adults only, unless otherwise specified. Unfortunately, we do not provide childcare.
NOTE Currently, TASK is offering workshops online only.
Assistive Technology Webinars Offered
Apps for Auditory and Visual Skills (English/Spanish): Join us and learn about different apps that focus on visual and auditory skills such as matching, following directions, processing and memory. The apps shown will be both educational and entertaining. Come brush up on your visual and auditory skills along with us!
Apps for Early Learning (English/Spanish): Join us as we demonstrate apps that facilitate early learning for young children with special needs, ages zero to five. Apps will include preschool concepts, early literacy, fine motor skills and more! Join us for a fun-filled, fast-paced webinar!
Assistive Technology for Sensory Difficulties (English/Spanish): Students with sensory difficulties, like those with autism, ADHD and other diagnoses, may have trouble filtering out background noise, sitting under bright lights, may show tactile defensiveness and much more. This workshop will include information about resources such as fidgets, alternative seating, reading tools, auditory devices, items for sensory stimulation and sensory apps. Join us for a fun, informative session, and leave with resources galore!
Fabulous Freebies: No-Cost Assistive Technology and Low-Cost Adaptation Ideas (English/Spanish): In this webinar, we will introduce some great ideas for adapting everyday items for little or no cost, information on free software that can be accessed online or downloaded to your computer, and resources for free iPad applications that we have found to be helpful. We will also share information and resources on built in accessibility features on your computer and iDevices. Join us and learn how you can access assistive technology for free!
Favorite FUN Apps! (English/Spanish): Here at TASK, we have over 3300 iOS apps! During this webinar, we will show you some of our favorite apps that are just plain old FUN! Of course, many of them can be considered helpful for skills such as fine motor, art, life skills and more, but honestly, these are simply apps that we find really entertaining and enjoyable for children and adults!
Introduction to Assistive Technology (English/Spanish): Did you know that there are many different types of assistive technology available to people of all ages and abilities? In this webinar, we will introduce the assistive technology continuum and discuss the different AT categories. The technology will include examples of low tech, medium tech and high tech. Join us for a brief introduction to assistive technology, and see the many options available today!
Let’s Talk Low Tech: AAC Basics (English/Spanish): What is AAC? What is low tech vs. high tech? This workshop includes a thorough explanation of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), types of low and mid tech AAC available, an explanation of various communication symbols and more. Handouts will include a list of free low tech AAC resources available. Join us for a fun, informative webinar learning about low and mid tech AAC!
Let’s Talk Low Tech 2: AAC Thinking Outside the Box (English only): Part 2 of our Let’s Talk Low Tech AAC series includes implementation strategies, ideas, tips and tricks and key terms. We will briefly introduce different communication layouts like PODD (Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display) and LAMP (Language Access through Motor Planning), as well as other options. Core and fringe vocabulary, PECS and Aided Language Support will also be discussed. Join us for a fun webinar, and learn to think outside the AAC box!
Marvelous Math Apps (English/Spanish): Are your kiddos frustrated by math? Are you looking for new ways to teach or practice concepts? Join us as we share over a dozen math apps geared toward early math, elementary, middle and high school.
Reading Apps (English/Spanish): There are so many reading apps out there! We will demonstrate some of the ones that we think are worthwhile and educational, as well as some super helpful reading tools. Categories include comprehension, fluency, decoding and more. Apps shown will be for ages ranging from elementary through high school and beyond.
Social and Life Skills Apps (English/Spanish): Many kiddos (and adults) struggle with social and life skills. Join this session in which we will demonstrate apps that can help with these skills. App focus will include: personal grooming, household chores, telling time, dialing 911, social skills and more. Apps for various ages will be shown.
Writing Apps (English/Spanish): Know someone that struggles with writing? In this webinar, we will demonstrate apps for handwriting, word prediction, grammar and spell check, as well as a few great tools can assist with filling out forms and homework. Apps for elementary through High School will be shown and discussed.
¡Aplicaciones Divertidas Favoritas!: ¡Aquí en TASK tenemos más de 3300 aplicaciones de iOS! ¡Durante este seminario web, le mostraremos algunas de nuestras aplicaciones favoritas que son simplemente DIVERTIDAS! Por supuesto, muchas de ellas pueden considerarse útiles para habilidades tales como motricidad fina, arte, habilidades para la vida y más, pero, sinceramente, estas son simplemente aplicaciones que encontramos realmente entretenidas y agradables para niños y adultos.
Aplicaciones de Escritura: ¿Conoce a alguien que tiene dificultad con la escritura? En este seminario web, demostraremos aplicaciones para escritura a mano, predicción de palabras, gramática y corrección ortográfica, así como algunas herramientas excelentes que pueden ayudarlo a completar formularios y tareas. Se mostrarán aplicaciones para la escuela primaria y secundaria.
Aplicaciones de Habilidades Auditivas y Visuales: Acompáñenos a aprender sobre las diferentes aplicaciones que se centran en las habilidades visuales y auditivas, como la correspondencia, el seguimiento de instrucciones, el procesamiento y la memoria. Las aplicaciones mostradas serán tanto educativas como entretenidas. ¡Venga y repase sus habilidades visuales y auditivas junto con nosotros!
Aplicaciones de Habilidades Sociales y de Vida: Muchos niños (y adultos) luchan con habilidades sociales y de la vida. Únase a esta sesión, en la que demostraremos aplicaciones que pueden ayudar con estas habilidades. El enfoque de la aplicación incluirá: aseo personal, quehaceres, decir la hora, marcar el 911, habilidades sociales y más. Se mostrarán aplicaciones para varias edades.
Aplicaciones de Lectura: ¡Hay tantas aplicaciones de lectura por ahí! Mostraremos algunas de las que creemos que valen la pena y son educativas, así como algunas herramientas de lectura súper útiles. Las categorías incluyen comprensión, fluidez, decodificación y más. Las aplicaciones que se muestran serán para edades que van desde la primaria hasta la secundaria y más allá.
Aplicaciones Maravillosas de Matemáticas: ¿Están sus hijos frustrados por las matemáticas? ¿Está buscando nuevas formas de enseñar o practicar conceptos? Demostraremos más de una docena de aplicaciones de matemáticas orientadas a la matemática temprana, primaria, intermedia y secundaria.
Aplicaciones para el Aprendizaje Temprano: Demostraremos aplicaciones que facilitan el aprendizaje temprano para niños pequeños con necesidades especiales, de 0 a 5 años. ¡Las aplicaciones incluirán conceptos preescolares, alfabetización temprana, habilidades de motricidad fina y más! ¡Acompáñenos a un seminario web lleno de diversión y ritmo rápido!
Hablemos de Baja Tecnología: Conceptos Básicos de CAA (AAC): ¿Qué es el CAA (AAC)? ¿Qué es tecnología baja versus tecnología alta? Este seminario web incluye una explicación completa de la comunicación aumentativa y alternativa, los tipos de CAA de tecnología baja y media disponibles, una explicación de varios símbolos de comunicación y más.
Introducción a la Tecnología de Asistencia: ¿Sabía que existen muchos tipos diferentes de tecnología de asistencia disponibles para personas de todas las edades y capacidades? En este seminario web, presentaremos el continuo de tecnología de asistencia y platicaremos sobre las diferentes categorías de tecnología de asistencia. La tecnología incluirá ejemplos de tecnología baja, tecnología media y alta tecnología. ¡Acompáñenos para una breve introducción a la tecnología de asistencia y vea las muchas opciones disponibles hoy!
Tecnología de Asistencia para Dificultades Sensoriales: Los estudiantes con dificultades sensoriales, como aquellos con autismo, TDAH (trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactivida) y otros diagnósticos, pueden tener problemas para filtrar el ruido de fondo, sentarse bajo luces brillantes, mostrar una actitud defensiva táctil y mucho más. Este taller incluirá información sobre recursos tales como inquietudes, asientos alternativos, herramientas de lectura, dispositivos auditivos, elementos para estimulación sensorial y aplicaciones sensoriales. ¡Acompáñenos una sesión divertida e informativa y salga con abundantes recursos!
Tecnología Fabulosa: Ideas de Adaptación sin Costo y de Bajo Costo: En este seminario web, presentaremos algunas buenas ideas para la adaptación de elementos cotidianos a bajo costo o sin costo, información sobre programas de la computadora gratuitos que se puede acceder en línea o descargar a su computadora, y recursos para aplicaciones gratuitas de iPad que hemos encontrado útiles. También compartiremos información y recursos sobre funciones de accesibilidad integradas en su computadora e iDevices. ¡Acompáñenos a un taller divertido y aprenda cómo tener acceso a la tecnología de forma gratuita!
TECH Center services are by appointment only. For more information, call (714) 533-8275 or contact us.
Visit our calendar to browse assistive technology workshops and register online.