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NEW: Coronavirus Resources
- Online Resource for Parents and Professionals, assembled by TASK’s TECH Center
- Online Resources in Spanish, assembled by TASK’s TECH Center
- TECH Tidbits (March 2020), TASK’s Assistive Technology Newsletter, featuring coronavirus resources
- Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities (from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights)
- Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students (from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights)
- Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 While Serving Migratory Children (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- Fact Sheet: Impact of COVID-19 on Assessments and Accountability under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- Fact Sheet: Providing Services to English Learners During the COVID-19 Outbreak (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions and Answers: IDEA Part B Procedural Safeguards (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions and Answers: IDEA Part C Procedural Safeguards (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions and Answers: IDEA Part B Use of Funds (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions and Answers: IDEA Part C Use of Funds (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions and Answers: Flexibility on IDEA Part B Fiscal Requirements (from U.S. Department of Education)
- COVID-19 Questions ans Answers: IDEA Part C Evaluation and Assessment Timelines (from the U.S. Department of Education)
- Rapid Response Resources: COVID-19 (from Policy Innovators in Education)
- California Department of Education, help for students in crisis (crisis and warmline numbers and other COVID-19-related resources for providing virtual mental health services and information for mental health providers, families and youth)
- California Department of Education, updated guidance on Special Education and COVID-19 school closures (April 1, 2020)
- California Department of Education, grading and graduation guidance (April 1, 2020)
- California Department of Education, students with disabilities and face coverings (February 11, 2021)
- California Senate Bill 117: Average Daily Attendance and Timeline Waivers, Protective Equipment and Cleaning Appropriation, COVID-19 (May 17, 2020
California Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs)
Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) Outside of California
Refer to the Parent Technical Assistance Center Network to find a Parent Training and Information Center in your area. Visit STOMP (Specialized Training Of Military Parents) for Parent Training and Information Center services for parents in the military. CPIR serves as a central resource of information and products to the community of Parent Training Information Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers, so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities.
California Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs)
- Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled (San Gabriel – Chinese)
- Fiesta Educativa (Los Angeles – Spanish)
- ParentsCAN (Napa)
State and Federal Government Resources
- California Dept. of Developmental Services – The Dept. of Developmental Services provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- California Dept. of Education, Special Education Division – A great resource on state laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
- California Office of Administrative Hearings, Special Education Division – The Office of Administrative Hearings contracts with the California Department of Education (CDE) to handle the special education due process hearing and mediation program for California
- Commission on Teacher Credentialing – To learn if a teacher holds a California teaching credential, visit the CTC website, go to “look up a credential,” and type in the name of the teacher.
- California Family Resource Center Network – Provides a list of family resource centers that are funded by the California Department of Developmental Services.
- Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Educational Partnership – Resources and Special Education modules to assist schools that serve military families.
- National Center for Education Statistics – Provides information about the Title I status of your child’s school.
- Office for Civil Rights – Ensuring equal access to education and promoting educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights.
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services – Information and resources related to special education.
- State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) – The SCDD is an independent state agency established in federal and state law to assist in planning, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control: My Family Health Portrait – Provided by the Surgeon General, this online tool allows you to create and store information on your family health history.
- U.S. Dept. of Education – Information and resources for different audiences, including parents and teachers, as well as links to local boards of education, vocational rehabilitation and adult education.
Resources for Specific Disabilities
- AAIDD American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Attention Deficit Disorder Association Adult ADD resources, help, information and support
- Autism Resources for Parents A free guide from Autism Parenting Magazine
- Autism Society of America The voice of the autism community
- Bipolar Advantage Helping people with mental conditions shift their thinking and behavior so that they can lead extraordinary lives
- Bipolar Advantage YouTube Channel Video lectures from the Bipolar Advantage Program
- Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder resources from HealthLine
- Birth Injury Guide A comprehensive guide for families coping with birth trauma, including CP, Erb’s palsy and infant brain damage
- CAPTAIN California Autism Professional Training and Information Network
- Caregiver Guide for Special Needs Information and advice to overcome daily challenges and understand common disorders and conditions
- Cerebral Palsy Guidance Vital guidance and assistance to parents of children with cerebral palsy
- Cerebral Palsy Guide Free educational materials, financial options and emotional support for those affected by cerebral palsy
- CHADD Children and adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Disability Scoop The premier source for developmental disability news
- Dyspraxia USA General information and resources for coping with dyspraxia
- This website has useful articles on teen drug and alcohol abuse and on co-occurring disorders.
- Epilepsy Foundation of America Trusted, reliable information for people with seizures
- Learning Ally Audio books for students with learning disabilities, dyslexia and visual impairment (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic)
- LD OnLine The world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD
- LDA Learning Disabilities Association of America
- Mental Health Advocacy Services Information on educationally-related mental health services
- NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Center for Learning Disabilities Ensuring success for all individuals with learning disabilities in school, at work and in life
- National Organization for Rare Disorders A federation dedicated to helping people with rare diseases
- Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center A community resource for people with hearing and other disabilities
- ProAuPair Matching host families with professional Au Pairs, including those with special education and disability training
- Top Mental Health Challenges Facing Students This guide helps to identify the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues for college students and when and where to seek help (from
- Turner Syndrome Foundation Working to increase professional awareness and enhance medical care of those affected by Turner syndrome
Legal, Education and Parenting Resources
- Disability Rights California California’s protection and advocacy system
- A Teacher’s Resource Teaching students with disabilities (from the Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation)
- Exceptional Parent Magazine Resources for parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs
- Family Voices Speaking on behalf of children and youth with special health care needs
- Graduate School Success for Students with Disabilities Scholarships, support resources, and expert insight for achieving an advanced degree (from
- ISER: Internet Special Education Resources Special education, special needs assessment, therapy, schools, software, resources for children and teens with learning differences
- Malpractice Center Provides nformation on different types of pediatric malpractice, birth injuries, and state-by-state malpractice laws and limitations in hopes of reducing these types of injuries.
- MoneyGeek Website on smarter financial decisions includes a Guide for Scholarschips and Grants for Students with Disabilities and Resources and Funding Strategies for Independent Living
- National Council on Disabilities Independent federal agency advising the government on disability issues
- National Disability Rights Network Provides legally-based advocacy services to people with disabilities
- National Health Law Center A national public interest law firm seeking to improve health care
- National Parent Helpline Emotional support for parents from trained advocates
- NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- OSEP Spanish Glossary Project Common educational terms translated into Spanish
- PACER Center Parent Advocacy Coalition for Education Rights
- Refinance and Mortgage Guide for People with Disabilities Resources and information about the processes associated with real estate purchase.
- The Simple Dollar’s Social Security Disability Benefits Guide Understand how Social Security disability works and how to calculate benefits.
- Special Education Guide Resources for parents and instructors, including guides to disability categories, Response to Intervention, obtaining a Master’s degree in Special Education and more!
- Special Needs in My City Helping families find special needs resources and events in their community
- Total Education Solutions Provides innovative, quality educational services to individuals with exceptional needs
- We Connect Now Dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues
Assistive Technology
- Abilities Expo: Events for people with disabilities.
- Ability Tools: Formerly the AT Network, Ability Tools is California’s Assistive Technology Act Program. They provide a variety of services for Californians with disabilities of all ages.
- AbleNet: Practical products and creative solutions for teaching children with disabilities.
- AngelSense: The only GPS tracker designed for special needs.
- A.T. Kratter and Company: Technology for people with visual and reading disabilities.
- Attainment Family: Products for families supporting children and adults with special needs.
- Autism ID Card: Helps people on the spectrum explain their medical condition to police, EMTs, and other first responders in the event of an emergency.
- Boardmaker Online: A multi-level approach to creating engaging print and interactive materials for your special education needs.
- Bookshare: Ebooks for people with reading barriers.
- BridgingApps: Apps for people with special needs.
- Center on Technology and Disability: A wealth of free, high-quality resources and events on all aspects of assistive technology.
- ConnectAbility Visuals Engine: Create visual supports for your child.
- If I Need Help: QR codes and profiles for loved ones who may wander; when lost or needing help, their code can be scanned or manually entered on the website to access contact information.
- K5 Stars An online learning center that helps every child become a star learner.
- Moms with Apps: A blog supporting the thoughtful use of technology with a family-friendly point of view.
- My BuddyTag: A lost child is a parent’s worst nightmare. BuddyTag uses Bluetooth technology to help parents keep track of their kids when out and about.
- National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM): Resources and technical assistance for educators, parents, students, publishers, conversion houses, accessible media producers, and others interested in learning more about AEM and implementing AEM and the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard.
- Reading Play Room: Download this playroom TASK designed to showcase fun tools to help with reading!
- Sensory Play Room: Download this playroom TASK designed to provide a calming place to relax, play or both!
- Tech Ease 4 All: Help and “how to” tutorials for accessibility options using Universal Access in Apple’s Mac OSX and Ease of Access in Microsoft Windows.
- Tottoos: Create child safety temporary tattoos designed to increase the chance for a lost child to be found and decrease the time you and your child may be separated.
The tools you need.
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